Top 3 Cryptocurrency Podcasts

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Top 3 Cryptocurrency Podcasts

Last Updated: 30th October 2018

Having already written an article titled: 4 Cryptocurrency Resources That you Need to Know, I briefly mentioned podcasts as a part of that list. I decided to give more air time to podcast resources and share my personal top 3 cryptocurrency podcasts that I love listening to.

Podcasts are a powerful way of digesting new information while also giving you the freedom to do other activities such as: working out, cooking, or even just going for a walk. I listen to over 10 hours of podcasts per week, and so I can testify to just how effective a tool they are in assimilating new information. If you do not currently listen to any podcasts, I would recommend starting of light, with around 1 hour per week, and with time, you’ll start to notice yourself subconsciously ramping up those hours!

So, without further delay, here are my top three cryptocurrency podcasts:

1) Unchained/Unconfirmed – Laura Shin

A former senior editor at Forbes, Laura Shin is one of the most well-known cryptocurrency journalists within in space right now. It would not be remiss of me to say that her two podcasts, Unchained and Unconfirmed, are two of the most popular podcasts within the cryptocurrency space.

Unchained – With 2 new episodes every week, this hour-long podcast sees Laura interview some of the biggest names within the cryptocurrency space. With interviewees such as: Vitalik Buterin (founder of Ethereum), Zoko Wilcox (founder of Zcash) and Tyler & Cameron Winklevoss (CEO & President of cryptocurrency exchange, Gemini) under her belt, it is self-evident that the Unchained podcast truly delivers high-quality content.

Unconfirmed – If an hour-long podcast sounds daunting to you, then perhaps Laura's second podcast, Unconfirmed, will be more to your liking. The show format is exactly the same as Unchained, i.e. an interview-style format, except the podcasts are only 30 minutes long. Irrespective of the shorter time length, the Unconfirmed podcasts still delivers excellent value for any cryptocurrency enthusiast.

2) Let’s Talk Bitcoin!

Having recently celebrated 5 years of podcasting, the Let’s Talk Bitcoin Show is a staple podcast within the cryptocurrency space. With notable hosts such as: Adam B. Levine, Andreas Antonopoulos, Stephanie Murphy and Jonathan Mohan, this podcast sees these knowledgeable individuals deliberate on interesting topics of the week. From CryptoKitties to MimbleWimble, this podcast parses through all the interesting and relevant cryptocurrency news/topics and offers refreshingly different opinions on them. The podcast hosts also conduct insightful interviews with industry leaders from time to time.

The real value of this podcast is being able to absorb the perspective of these individuals who have been in the cryptocurrency space for a long time. The show caters to all levels of knowledge, and so is accessible to just about anyone. With 2 new episodes every week, and a podcast length of around 50 minutes, there’s an ample amount of content for avid listeners to digest.

3) Blockchain Insider

Blockchain Insider, a cryptocurrency podcast that focuses on covering all things crypto, but  that also places an emphasis in relating cryptocurrency news to the financial services industry. The podcast begins with hosts: Simon Taylor and Colin G. Platt, along with others, dissecting and debating interesting cryptocurrency news of the week.

The personal value I find within this podcast is the deep knowledge each host has of the financial services industry. The manner in which they are able to provide insight into how large financial institutions intend on handling digital assets, is key in informing any opinions I form on the space. The podcast also conducts interviews with notable individuals. Individuals such as: Charles Hoskinson (CEO of IOHK, Cardano).

The podcast releases one episode every week, each with a length of roughly 60 minutes. Like I previously mentioned, the financial services spin placed on this podcast is where I get the most value, and as such, I would strongly recommend it to anyone looking to understand more about the financial aspect of cryptocurrencies.


To conclude, these three cryptocurrency podcasts are my favourite to listen to right now. They offer a wealth of information and value in very specific areas. Laura Shin’s podcasts allow me to get the opinions of experts within the space, straight from their own mouths. The Let’s Talk Bitcoin Show offers a refreshingly diverse range of opinions on a myriad of topics relating to cryptocurrency space. And finally, Blockchain Insider’s finance spin that it places on its episodes gives me access the thoughts and opinions of individuals from the financial services industry.

These cryptocurrency podcasts are incredibly long, but they deliver an immense amount of value.

What are some of your favourite cryptocurrency podcasts that you like to listen to?